
seepage water中文是什么意思

  • 渗流水
  • 渗滤水
  • 渗透水



  • 例句与用法
  • Characteristics of seepage water quality of baisha filter well in chongqing
  • The causes and preventive measures of seepage water for outer - wall of high building
  • Water - proofing of buildings - part 6 : water - proofing against outside pressing water and accumulating seepage water ; design and execution
  • Regarding impact on water quality , the tunnel seepage water from the north portal of the tai lam tunnel is directed to a series of sedimentation ponds and filtering ponds prior to discharge to kam tin river
  • The waterproof layer and partial structures of composite linings were simulated by single and double shell concrete test slabs , and the seepage water pressure was applied to the slabs with the manual pump
  • In foundation treatments of buildings or structures in sandy region , the sand compacted by down - seepage water technique is adoptable to enforce the compactness and bearing capacity of sand and soil cushion to meet the design requirements
  • The different drawbacks in the original design and construction of the emergency gate slot of the releasing tunnel of zhelin hydropower station in jiangxi province resulted in the disjunction of most slot corner plates under the parapet walls of two sides of the left hole and the damage of the second - phrase concrete in these slot corner plates , after the gate is closed and under the action of seepage water pressure
  • In this paper , regarding the analysis of stability factors of majiatian tailings fill dam , namely regional geologic structure , rock - soil body of dam foundation , poor geology phenomenon , leach consolidation and chemical consolidation of tailings , seepage water of dam body and king - size flood water of majiatian tailings reservoir , a preliminary demonstration on probability of earthquake liquefaction and seepage failure of dam bodys tailings sand soil , of the dam body failure resulted from abutment landslide and of the flood water overflowing crest , as well as on the contribution of leach consolidation and chemical consolidation of tailings to the stability of dam body has been performed
  • The phenomena can be observed in the tests low seepage pressures can easily form passageways behind the waterproof layer if there is no drainage layer or the drainage layer is blocked in the single - shell test slab ; the waterproof layer can resist higher seepage pressure if there is no drainage layer or the drainage layer is blocked in the double - shell test slab ; the seepage water can be controlled and drained away in the drainage layer by the water proof layer only if there is unblocked drainage layer behind it in the double - shell test slab
  • In this paper , regarding the analysis of stability factors of majiatian tailings fill dam , namely regional geologic structure , rock - soil body of dam foundation , poor geology phenomenon , leach consolidation and chemical consolidation of tailings , seepage water of dam body and king - size flood water of majiatian tailings reservoir , a preliminary demonstration on probability of earthquake liquefaction and seepage failure of dam body ' s tailings sand soil , of the dam body failure resulted from abutment landslide and of the flood water overflowing crest , as well as on the contribution of leach consolidation and chemical consolidation of tailings to the stability of dam body has been performed
  • 其他语种释义
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seepage water的中文翻译,seepage water是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译seepage water,seepage water的中文意思,seepage water的中文seepage water in Chineseseepage water的中文seepage water怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
